Thursday, February 26, 2015

Kayak Fishing Tournament - South Padre Island Texas - 30milesOut

Summer 2014 - UB Captain held a kayak fishing tournament in South Padre Island, Texas
30milesOut headed down to follow along and film.

Everyone met up at he Launch point on Saturday morning to head out for day 1 of the kayak fishing tournament. Many showed up, all rigged up in different ways. Two kayaks were set up with small 2.5 hp motors (rules stated this was approved). Some guys had homemade rod holders. Some came with just a simple set up… Ready to FISH!!

As soon as the sun broke we were able to launch…
We headed out toward the coast guard station first, as we noticed some kayakers in the area. Theresa hooked up right away with a small Grouper. I hooked up a small Sea Robin. The guys we caught up with were catching Mangrove and Jacks. Theresa and I were using Gulp on a jighead… The guys we ran into were using cut mullet so we decided to catch some bait and change up our game. Hardhead was all we could get to hit the cut bait so we went back to topwater.

We headed out to the "Mexiquita Flats" where we heard some guys say the fishing was real good. I was drifting throwing topwater and Theresa had anchored out fishing cut mullet on bottom and throwing topwater in the front… She screamed "DOUBLE HOOK UP"!!! She had caught a trout on topwater and a Bullred on bottom. WHAT! I can't take her anywhere! She catches everything!

We headed toward the "Old Causeway" to check it out and I spotted birds diving… Jacks were BLOWIN UP!! I threw my topwater in and BAM! Hooked up… Got towed under the bridge by what was obviously a pretty big Jack. Under the bridge he ran up under a piling and broke me off!!
Theresa hooked up on her FIRST ever Jack! She was so excited. What a rush!
We chased the Jacks around the bridge… hooking up on an occasional skipjack.

We headed in for Day 1 weigh in to see what everyone was catching. The stringers were full!!!

Day 2 we had a lot of rain in the area but everyone showed up and launched as planned. We headed over to "Mexiquita Flats" again to see what was out there. I immediately hooked up on a Jack while throwing topwater. Theresa caught and accidentally released a nice Mangrove Snapper.
My buddy Fidencio Reyes joined us for day 2 and hooked up on several trout on topwater. I managed a few Mangrove Snapper as well.

With the weather turning bad we headed in for the weigh in.

We had a great time meeting everyone and enjoyed fishing a new area!

The places to fish: Mexquita Flats, Old Causeway, South Bay, Coast Guard Station
Bait to use: Cut Mullet, Topwater
Species in the area: Trout, Redfish, Grouper, Sea Robin, Jacks, Tarpon, Snook, Mangrove Snapper

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